Allis Chalmers WD
Allis Chalmers Hood
Fits WD-45, WD, WC, and WF
Allis Chalmers Hood
Fits WD-45, WD, WC, and WF
Allis Chalmers Hood
Fits WD-45, WD, WC, and WF
Allis Chalmers Hood
Fits WD-45, WD, WC, and WF
Allis Chalmer 8 & 9 Loader Book
Allis Chalmer Model 8 & 9 Loader Book, 26 pages, front pages have been removed (I believe they were removed at the time of sale at the dealership),cover is also gone, Model 8 was made to fit the CA and the Model 9 was made to fit the WD & WD-45. Book is in good condition.
Allis Chalmers Hood
Fits WD-45, WD, WC, and WF
$35 SOLD 7/23
"The Allis Chalmers Line" Advertisement
Advertising Flier, Fair Condition with Several Minor Tears, Stains, and Holes.
Advertises the WD, B, C, and G, Along with Power Units, Implements, The All-Crop Harvester, The Roto-Baler, The Power Rake, Hay Loader, Corn Pickers, Forage Equipment, and The HD-5 Crawler
$20 SOLD 7/23
Gas Engine Magazine Collection
Vol. 30 No. 11 Nov. 1995 Features Case VAC, Kohler Light, IH 4HP, Ford Model T, Faribanks-Morse 6HP, John Deere E, Economy 4HP, New Holland 1/2HP, International M Engine, Farmall Cub & 1 Arm Loader
Vol. 30 No. 5 May 1995 Features Case S, John Deere, Fairbanks-Morse, United 1 3/4HP, Challenge Engines, AC WD, Farmall F-12, Hart-Parr Engine- SOLD 2/24
Vol. 29 No.8 August 1994 Features Economy D, John Deere, Baker, Ferguson, Ivel, Robey, Frome, Nuffield, Austin, Pilter, F.F., Blackstone, Burrell, Campbell, Bolens, Bessemer, Case VAC, Ford T, Ford 2N, John Deere E
Vol. 33 No. 3 March 1998 Features Russell/Fordson Grader, Sears Concrete Mixer, Oliver, Witte 2HP, Buckeye 300HP, Holt Light, David Bradley, Fairbanks-Morse 10HP
Vol. 32 No. 12 Dec. 1997 Features Victor 12HP, IH 10-20, Heider, Bates Steel Mule, John Deere L62, Fordson, Allis Chalmers, Fairbanks-Morse 150HP, Aultman-Taylor 30-60, Ford 8N, Hardie 2HP, John Deere B, Stover 1HP
Vol. 31 No. 12 Dec. 1996 Features IH M Engine, Economy, Hercules 3HP, Jaeger 2HP, Cletrac General GG, Ford 8N, Oliver 80, Krueger Atlas 16HP, Lauson Engines, Farmall Cub, Lauson Tractors
Vol. 30 No. 10 Oct. 1995 Features New Way, John Deere D, Oliver 77, Stover CT-2, Stover CT-1, Stover K, Challenge, Lay-Trac G-2, Ellis 6HP
Vol. 30 No. 7 Jul. 1995 Features, Ford 850, History of the General Tractor and B.F. Avery Company, Economy 5HP, John Deere 40, John Deere LA, John Deere E, Fairbanks-Morse, Cushman, Sears, Cockshutt, Eagle 20-40, Hart-Parr 28-50, Massey Ferguson 50, Wheel Horse, Ford 9N, Advance Rumely 16-30, Galloway, Shaw Bicycle, Case Hay Press, John Deere Baler, Woodpecker 1 1/2HP
Vol. 31 No. 11 Nov. 1996 Features Case SC, Fairbanks Morse 25HP, Farmall F-20, Ford Model A, John Deere B, John Deere A, Cub Cadet, Panzer, Hercules, Economy, IH 10-20, Caldwell, Lauson
Vol. 32 No. 3 Mar. 1997 Features Ohio 8HP, John Deere L62, Pioneer, Hart-Parr 28-50, IH 10-20 Titan, IH 8-16 Mogul, IH 10-20 Mogul, IH 300, IH 8-16, IH MD GM Conversion, IH F-30, IH MD Sheppard Conversion, Deutz Otto Engine, T&M Engine
Vol. 31 No. 7 Jul. 1997 Features Cockshutt 30, Hercules, Huber, Allis Chalmers 10-18, Case RC, Schramm Tractor, Fordson, MM BF, Advance Rumely OilPull 30-50, Economy, Stover 4HP
$5 Each
Vol. 30 No. 5 is SOLD 2/24
#1432 Allis Chalmers Radiator Shutters
Fits Allis Chalmers WD-45, WD, WC, Hard to Find, Only 1 Still Avaliable
$50 SOLD 7/24
#173 Allis Chalmers D14, WD, WD-45 Service Manual
Allis Chalmers D14, WD, WD-45 Service Manual Printed by, good condition, 234 pages.
$15 SOLD 7/24
Wyatt's Tractor Sales Summer Specials & Featured Inventory
We look at some of our featured inventory for the summer including an Oliver 660, Massey Harris 22, a Burch Offset Disk, Farmall Cub Plow, weights for John Deere 2-cylinder tractors, Minneapolis Molines, Oliver 1950s, Farmall and IH, and McCormick Deering Tractors. We look at parts including hoods for Massey Harris 444, 44, 30, 33, 333, fenders for 2N, 8N, 9N and literature for Allis Chalmers WD, B, C, and G, John Deere 50, 60, 70, 520, 620, 720 LP systems, Twin City, Caterpillar D4, International Industrial Buyers Guide from 1965, Oliver 2050 and 2150 advertisement, Sales Notes for Oliver 1555 and Oliver 1655, Massey Harris 50, and Oliver Grinder Mixers and Hammer mills.
Gasconade County Threshers Association Show Part 1- Steamers, Lumber Sawing, & Tractor Games
Part 1 of 3 features the Avery Steam Engine headed to the sawmill. We watch the Avery Steam Engine run the antique left handed sawmill. We preview the tractors on display including an Oliver Super 55, Minneapolis Moline Jet Star 3, Ford 960, International 686, Ferguson TO, Oliver 77, Oliver 70, International 686, John Deere 60, John Deere B, John Deere A, John Deere A, Farmall M, John Deere H, John Deere 620, John Deere 420, John Deere 420, John Deere G, and a John Deere A. We watch a John Deere H drive around. We also watch some of the tractor games including the Corn Plant, Barrel Race, Tractor Basketball, Slow Race, Draw Bar Tap, and Potato Plant. The tractors participating in the tractor games include; Farmall Cub, Oliver Super 66, Farmall Cub, Farmall H, Farmall M, Farmall H, Farmall B, Farmall H, Farmall H, Oliver Super 66, International 140, Farmall B, Farmall M, Allis Chalmers WD, Farmall Cub, and a Farmall H. We close by watching the Frick Eclipse Steam Engine Drive Around.
Gasconade County Threshers Association Show Part 2- Tractor Parade
This Video Show the Parade of Tractors on Saturday at the Gasconade County Threshers Association. Steam Engines in this Parade include, 1923 Advance Rumely, Keck Gonnerman model 1880, 1926 Keck Gonnerman model 1550, 1921 Aultman Taylor, and a 1911 Avery. Tractors include John Deere 620, Farmall H, Case 1290, International 686, Massey Harris 44, Farmall H, Economy Jim Dandy, David Bradley Tri-Trac, Allis Chalmers Simplicity Landlord, Case DC, John Deere Lawn Tractor, John Deere B, John Deere B, John Deere D, John Deere 3010 Diesel, John Deere 530, Farmall H, Ford 8N, Case SC, John Deere 60, John Deere A Unstyled, John Deere 420, John Deere G, John Deere 420, Gibson D, Farmall C, Ford NAA, John Deere GP, John Deere D, Farmall H, John Deere G, Allis Chalmers G, Ford Model T Doodlebug, Ford 8N V8 Conversion, Ford Golden Jubilee, Cub Cadet 1650, John Deere B, Minneapolis Moline R, John Deere 110 pulling homemade pony rides, Farmall C, Farmall 230, WheelHorse Dirty Diesel, Farmall M, Allis Chalmers WD, Allis Chalmers WD, Allis Chalmers WD, Allis Chalmers I-40, Ford Ferguson 2N, International 686, Ford 2N, John Deere A Unstyled, Oliver Super 55, Cletrac M1 Bomber Nurse, Oliver 70 Flag Tractor, Oliver HG, John Deere A, Case DC, John Deere Unstyled B, John Deere BI, John Deere Unstyled G, John Deere G, Farmall Super H, John Deere G, John Deere 50, Ford Golden Jubilee, Minneapolis Moline UTS, Farmall Cub White Demonstrator, Oliver Super 66, Oliver Super 44, Oliver 1550 Diesel, Oliver Hart Parr 70, Indiana, Keck Gonnerman 25-50, John Deere B, Farmall H with a Kohler Engine, B.F. Avery Ro-Trak, Farmall H with M&W 9-Speed Transmission, Oliver Super 88 Diesel, Ford 8N, Farmall 130, Farmall C, Farmall Cub, and an Oliver 550.
Gasconade County Thresher Association Show Part 3- Tractor Walkthrough, Tractor Pull, Hit N' Miss & More
Part 3 of 3 Features a Farmall H pulling a wagon loaded with Straw, a walkthrough of the Tractors from Saturday Morning of the Show, The Tractor Pull Highlights, Bale Toss Highlights, The Spark Show From Saturday Night, A WalkThrough of Hit N Miss Engines, and Chopping Silage.
The Walkthrough of tractors includes a Farmall H with a New Idea Loader, Ford Model T Conversion, Minneapolis Moline UTS, Allis Chalmers WD, Allis Chalmers WD, Farmall Cub, Farmall M, Ford V8, Ford Doodlebug, Minneapolis Moline R, Farmall Cub, Farmall 130, Gibson D, Gibson A, John Deere 60, Case SC, Ford 8N, Allis Chalmers G, Oliver Hart Part 70 on Steel, Farmall Cub, Oliver Super 88 Diesel, Oliver Super 66, International 140, Farmall Cub White Demonstrator, Case Lawn Tractor, Farmall H, Farmall Super C, Farmall H, Allis Chalmers WD, John Deere D, Farmall M, John Deere 430, Farmall H, John Deere G, John Deere 420, John Deere 420, John Deere 620, John Deere 60, Farmall H, John Deere 45 Combine, John Deere A, John Deere B, Ford 960, International 686, Ferguson TO-20, International 686, Allis Chalmers I-40, Minneapolis Moline Jet Star 3, Oliver Super 55, Oliver 1550 Diesel, Oliver Super 44, Oliver 550, Farmall 230, Farmall C, John Deere 3010 Diesel, Farmall H, Farmall H, John Deere 50, Farmall Super H, Farmall Super C, Unstyled John Deere, John Deere G, John Deere G, Farmall Super M, Case DC, Case DC, Massey Harris 44, John Deere Lawn Tractor, Custom Lawn Tractor, WheelHorse Lawn Tractor, Farmall H, Farmall H, John Deere B, John Deere Unstyled A, John Deere GP, Ford Golden Jubilee, Oliver HG Crawler, Avery Ro-Trak Crawler, Cletrac M1 Bomber Nurse, Oliver 70 Flag Tractor, Allis Chalmers UC on Steel, Allis Chalmers WC on Steel, Ford Golden Jubilee, Allis Chalmers Simlicity Landlord, David Bradley Tri-Trac, and an Economy Jim Dandy.
Tractors Shown at the Tractor Pull include a Farmall Cub, John Deere MT, Farmall H, Case SO, Oliver Super 66, and Oliver Super 88 Diesel.
Hit N’ Miss Engines include; John Deere, Waterloo Boy, John Deere, McCormick Deering, Galloway, Economy, and more.
Spark Show was done with a 1923 Advance Rumely Steam Engine. Silage Chopper was run by a John Deere Unstyled A.
MRVSEA Show Highlights 2023- Missouri State Allis Chalmers Show Part 1
Wyatt’s Tractor Sales took a trip to the Missouri River Valley Steam Engine Association Show in Boonville Missouri back in September. The show was hosted in conjunction with the Missouri State Allis Chalmers Club State Show.
Clips in the video feature a large commercial hit n miss engine, a hit n miss engine running a hacksaw, a hit n miss engine powering a miniature Ferris wheel, tractor games, watermelon sawing, and the parade of power.
Tractor Games Clips include a Massey Harris 33 Standard playing with a tennis ball, in the drawbar tap; a Case SC, a Farmall Super C with Mounted Cultivators, a John Deere G, a John Deere 40, in the slow race; a John Deere 40, Farmall Super C with Mounted Cultivators, a Case 830, and a Case 930.
The sawmill during the watermelon sawing was powered by a John Deere AR
The clips from the parade include a team of horses pulling a Oliver 123-A Rock Plow, A Russel Steam Engine, Harrison Jumbo Steam Engine, a 3/4 scale A.D. Baker Co. Steam Engine, Advance-Rumely Steam Engine, Case Steam Engine, Aultman-Taylor Tractor, Advance Rumely OilPull Tractor, LeRoi Half Track Road Grader, Allis Chalmers WD High Crop with a Sugar Cane Loader, Allis Chalmers 5050, Allis Chalmers Styled WC Cruising Tractor, Allis Chalmers CA, Allis Chalmers D10 Industrial, 1964 Chevrolet C20 Allis Chalmers Dealership Pickup, Allis Chalmers M Crawler, Allis Chalmers I-60 Forklift, Allis Chalmers D10, & a Allis Chalmers WC High Crop.
Ed Carline Farm Retirement Auction- Antique Tractors & Equipment
Wyatt’s Tractor Sales took a trip to Montgomery City, Missouri to the Ed Caroline Farm Retirement Auction hosted by Allen Auction Service.
This auction featured a large amount of farm relics, toys, manuals, tractors, trucks, farm equipment, tools and more.
Items featured in the video include a IH 3-pt forklift, 3pt Blade, 3pt Bale Spike, IH 990 Haybine, IH Hayrake, 15ft pull type bush hog, New Holland 850 Round Baler, AC Sickle Mower, Oliver 1650 Tractor, Massey Harris 44 Standard Tractor, Allis Chalmers WD Tractor, Minneapolis Moline M5 Tractor, Massey Harris 44 Special Standard Tractor with a Massey Ferguson Loader, 1980 Ford F-250 pickup, Cockshutt 30 Tractor, Economy PowerKing Garden Tractor, Allis Chalmers C Tractor, Allis Chalmers WD Tractor, Allis Chalmers WD Tractor, Minneapolis Moline M670 Tractor with an International Loader, Minneapolis Moline UB Tractor with a Minneapolis Moline Loader, Oliver 1550 Diesel Tractor, and a Ford 601 Tractor